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carpinteyrobim Дата: Среда, 29.05.2013, 08:15 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Новобранцы
Принадлежность: Автобот
Сообщений: 1
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Recently Paul Owens of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, "For the first time in 30 years, United Van Lines Inc. says it moved more people out of Florida than in. Fed-up Floridians are moving to other parts of the country, in part to escape rising property taxes and insurance rates. Many residents now say they can't afford to move elsewhere in Florida because of the huge hit they'd take on taxes. What's more, busy hurricane seasons in 2004 and 2005 led to massive rate hikes from the state's largest home insurance companies." <br /><br />Regrettably, it seems no one told Paul that Panama has no taxes on new construction*, low home insurance rates (about 1/3 of Florida's) and NO HURRICANES! <br />(* Tax exemptions apply to new construction and last for up to 15 years. The exemption is transferable. The exemption just recently changed to 15 years. In past years it was 20 years. So, resale homes built in the last few years may still have transferable exemptions left for up to 18 years!)<br /><br />

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If one wished to greatly reduce the amount of accidents that can occur when air rifles are involved, all one needs to do is eliminate the instance of horse play. That is, do not clown around when handling an air rifle. Do not point it at oneself or anyone else. Do not try to make the pointing of an air rifle the focal point of any (unfunny) joke. Have fun, but stay serious when the discharging of the air rifle is involved. <br />
<br />
Stay Focused<br />
<br />
It is of the utmost importance to pay attention! Lack of attention and focus is the second most probably cause of accidents occurring either with an air rifle or in general. Everyone will lose their concentration now and then, and that is a given. However, when handling an air rifle, it is wise to invest extra-special care to paying attention, or else a self- inflicted injury or an injury to another person will result. <br />
<br />
Aim<br />
<br />
Never fire an air rifle straight up into the air. Whatever goes up comes down, and if fired straight up into the air, the projectile will come straight down upon the same spot. It is surprising how often this basic safety notion is neglected. Simple, basic safety points are all that is needed to greatly reduce the chances of injury. Follow these guides and your air rifle adventures should be fine.


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